Diane on craigslist

My week has been wrought with worry as one thing after another came up regarding my son’s health with an end result of dollar signs adding up fast.  Our budget is stretched as tightly as it can possibly be for the next couple of months, so of course, this is exactly the time for unexpected expenses to crop up with my son’s occupational therapy and treatments.  And with the stress of it all, I felt like I might just snap.  But who needs a psychiatry bill on top of everything else going on?

So I prayed.  And prayed, and prayed and prayed.  I showed God my doubting Thomas side.  I questioned, I got angry, I got impatient, I got whiney.  Yes, that’s right.  Whiney.  Like a 2-year-old kind of whiney.  How could He do this to us?  How will He ever provide everything we need?  I came to the conclusion that it would be impossible, and walked away feeling defeated and deflated.  I thought I would have to take matters into my “own” hands.

Soon after that, I was on the internet hunting for the things my son needs at a discount, so naturally I was on craigslist.   I searched my entire state of residence, with no avail.  Getting creative, I even checked other states where I have friends or family members that love me enough to go through the hassle of a craigslist transaction.  I, unfortunately, got nothing.  Even more discouraged and even more angry at God, decided to call it a day and gave in to a restless night of sleep.  When the alarm went off the next morning and felt like a sledgehammer was pounding away at my skull, I broke down and laid it all out before God, asking for forgiveness, mercy and some much needed strength.

Later that day, I decided to retry my efforts on craigslist, and wouldn’t you know, I found what I was looking for located only an hour away from where my husband is stationed.  Not only that, but this normally priced $80 item was being sold for the low price of $40 – all parts and pieces in tact.  I could barely contain my excitement, and anxiety, as I emailed the seller to find out if the item was still available.  To my utter amazement it was, and the seller, Diane, was very flexible with the pick up allowing my husband to work around his schedule to get the item.

I could end the story here and be pretty content.  A prayer was definitely answered as I found what I needed for half the price I would have had to spend on it.  However, even at half price, it was still a huge expense for us right now.  No matter, though.  I wouldn’t hesitate spending the money.  But here’s the opportunity to really see God’s hand at work.  Out of the blue, before my husband went to pick up the item, I got an email from Diane stating that since my husband was willing to drive such a long distance to get the item, she wanted to lower the price to $20.  There are no words to express my awe-struck feelings of gratitude in the moment of reading that email.

So, to Diane on craigslist, your generosity means more to me than words can adequately express and it was truly an answer to prayer.  This experience humbled me, once again, and reminded me that God is much more equipped than I am to handle ALL situations for the better good.  I heard a saying recently that, “Angels are pretty busy this time of year, so sometimes God uses regular people,” and I believe that you, Diane, are an angel sent to answer my prayer and restore my faith.  I feel foolish for ever having doubted at all.  And I am forever grateful.